Moraña, Mabel
Editorial: Springer
Colección: Maritime Literature and Culture
Número de páginas: 214 págs.
Fecha de edición: 24-09-2022
EAN: 9783031089022
ISBN: 978-3-031-08902-2
Precio (sin IVA): 113,61 €
Precio (IVA incluído): 118,15 €
This book is organized around the critical and theoretical “turn” known as hydro-criticism, an innovative approach to the study of the ways in which bodies of water (oceans, seas, rivers, archipelagos, lakes, etc.) impact the study of history, culture, and society. The analysed texts demonstrate not only the presence of water and oceanic trajectories as metaphorical devices, but the inherent implication of navigation, ports, islandic territories, drainage systems, floodings and the like in configuration of collective imaginaries, from colonial times to the present.