• Insolvency Law in UNCITRAL
Insolvency Law in UNCITRAL
Según respuesta del editor

Insolvency Law in UNCITRAL

tests and comments

Ballesteros Barros, Ángel María
Morán Bovio, David

Editorial: Aranzadi

Editorial: Universidad de Cádiz

Colección: Monografía

Número de páginas: 448 págs.  23.5 x 16.5 cm  

Fecha de edición: 05-12-2023

EAN: 9788411636469

ISBN: 978-84-1163-646-9

EAN: 9788498289046

ISBN: 978-84-9828-904-6

Precio (sin IVA): 51,62 €

Precio (IVA incluído): 53,68 €

Two introductions (a general one to the contributions and other on the UNCITRAL Insolvency Instruments history) with a foreword are followed by three sections: 1) each one of the seven UNCITRAL Instruments; 2) its continental impact (with the added division between America North, USA-Canada, and the rest); 3) global perspective with different focus: Common Law, Civil Law, Soft Law and treaties, and other methods. All chapters are written by experts having been UNCITRAL’s Working Groups and Plenaries representatives from their Countries or from International Organizations.



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Derecho de insolvencia en la CNUDMI

Ballesteros Barros, Ángel María

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