Editorial: Brepols Publishers
Colección: Studies on Philosophy, Intellectual History, Arts, Sciences ; 1
Número de páginas: 196 págs. 17.8 x 25.4 cm
Fecha de edición: 01-12-2023
EAN: 9782503605623
ISBN: 978-2-503-60562-3
Precio (sin IVA): 93,50 €
Precio (IVA incluído): 97,24 €
Migrations of Concepts brings together the results of an experimental research on the migration of philosophical concepts into the languages of the arts. The monograph explores the intersection of philosophy, literature and art and presents a theoretical-performative investigation on the transposition of philosophical contents into theatrical and musical performance. More specifically, the book contains the text of two theatre readings on Vico and Gorgia, and the libretto of two melologues dedicated to Hegel and the Prince of Sansevero, with the corresponding scores of music composed by Rosalba Quindici.