Escosura Balbás, María Cristina de la
Kurilic, Anamarija
Rallo, Giuseppe Eugenio
Editorial: BAR - British Archaeological Reports
Colección: International Series ; S3161
Número de páginas: 200 págs.
Fecha de edición: 30-04-2024
EAN: 9781407360973
ISBN: 978-1-4073-6097-3
Precio (sin IVA): 72,21 €
Precio (IVA incluído): 75,10 €
This volume analyses the importance of onomastics and its impact on the ancient world (i. e. Greek, Roman, Graeco-Roman, and various indigenous onomastic systems) for the construction of identities, societies, and ways of thinking. It does so from an interdisciplinary perspective, including elements of linguistics, epigraphy, history, Roman law, theatre, anthropology, and archaeology. The work delves into cases from the Greek Aegean, Pre-Roman and Roman Italy, the wider Roman world, the Iberian Peninsula, and South-Eastern Europe.